Who is bilingual?
Who is a dancer?
Who has caught and cooked a fish?
Who loves dark chocolate?
Who hates pineapple on pizza?
Who is reading a T&D book?
Who has traveled to Virginia (ATD headquarters)?
Who is a birdwatcher?
Who is a plant parent?
Who can say "Synecdoche"?
Who can show an item with ATD or ASTD on it?
Who is double-jointed?
What is YOUR superpower?
Enter it below.
Who is a collector?
Who can balance a book on their head and cross the room?
Who can show us a Training award?
Who can juggle
3 items?
Who has an Education degree?
Who can show
a family photo with minors?
Who can show us a photo of their pet?
Who is vegan?
Who has an ATD certification?
Who is drinking now (and what beverage)?
Who is a singer?
Who has lived outside the United States?
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